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Learn more about our history, platform and membership

Humboldt County Democrats logo

Headquarters office is only open for small group meetings, though, plan to fully re-open this winter. If you need to contact HCDCC, please call and leave a message at  (707) 445-3366

You can also message us at our Facebook Page


The Committee is the local representative of the California Democratic Party determined by California Election Code and the California Democratic Party.  We provide assistance at the county level to all national, state, and local Democratic candidates.


For Endorsements from the California Democratic Party on the State level here is the website:

Where to Find...

The link above takes you to our Bylaws PDF for download

The link above takes you to our forms and procedures page

The link above takes you to our News and Updates page where you will find our Endorsements, Press Releases and Resolutions

The link above takes you to our Frequently Asked Questions page

The link above takes you to our archive of photos from previously held events

US Election

Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee Platform

I. Democracy and Participation We believe that…

A. Our democracy must be based on:

  • Honest, transparent government with a reliable and verifiable voting process.

  • Equal access to the political process for all members of the community.

B. The United States must work cooperatively with all other nations of the world, treat all people with human dignity, and use force only as an absolute last resort.

C. Each citizen has a responsibility to participate in all levels of community and government.

II. Social Justice

Everyone in our democracy is entitled to equal protection under the law regardless of race, gender, ethnic identification, age, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, and/or socioeconomic status.

A. Everyone has a right to live in a community, state and country that enables all to exercise their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

B. Everyone has a right to access to affordable health care.

C. Every woman is entitled to the right to make her own reproductive health care decisions.

D. Every person has the right to make her or his own health care decisions.

E. Everyone has an inherent constitutional right to protection from invasion of privacy, by government or corporations.

III. Environmental Protection

We believe that it is the duty of our democracy to…

  • Protect and sustainably use the natural resources of our community, state, country, and world.

  • Guarantee safe and healthy food, water and air.

  • Enact legislation and policies that promote sustainable forms of energy and the conservation of fossil fuels.

  • Protect, preserve and restore the Nation’s ecosystems.

  • Prevent resource exploitation that violates public trust.

  • Reduce, reuse and recycle.

IV. Economics

We believe that it is the duty of our democracy to ensure that…

  • Jobs provide a living wage.

  • Legislation and policies encourage the creation of jobs that contribute to a sustainable economy and environment.

  • All local, state, and federal governments and agencies of government are fiscally responsible.

  • Legislation and policies promote the availability of affordable, safe housing for all.

  • The deficit of the federal government is not passed on to the next generation.

  • The deficit of the federal government is decreased without shrinking programs that benefit the poor, young, old or disabled.

  • Fair taxation for all where all members of society pay their fair share toward the common good.

  • Workers’ pensions and social security are protected and strengthened.

  • All levels of government work diligently to see that no child, senior citizen or disabled person lives in poverty.

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